Do I need NHS REC review?

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Your answers to the following questions indicate that you need NHS REC review for sites in England.

This tool only considers whether NHS REC review is required, it does not consider whether other approvals are needed. You should check whether other approvals are required for your research.

You have answered 'YES' to: Is your study research?

Question Set 1
You answered 'NO' to all of these questions:

  • Is your study a clinical trial of an investigational medicinal product?
  • Is your study one or more of the following: A non-CE marked medical device, or a device which has been modified or is being used outside of its CE mark intended purpose, and the study is conducted by or with the support of the manufacturer or another commercial company (including university spin-out company) to provide data for CE marking purposes?
  • Does your study involve exposure to any ionising radiation?
  • Does your study involve the processing of disclosable protected information on the Register of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority by researchers, without consent?

You answered 'England' to: Where is your study taking place?

Question Set 2

You have answered 'YES' to: Will your research involve the use of previously collected tissue and/or information from which individual past or present users of these services (NHS and adult social care), are likely to be identified by the researchers either directly from that tissue or information, or from its combination with other tissue or information likely to come into their possession?

Applications must be made using the Integrated Research Application System (IRAS).

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